
Global and China Biomedicine Market 2012-2020: Market Size, Structure, Trends, Analysis and Forecast

Published: 09 Aug 2015 | Report Code: 10247033 | Pages: 118

The annual growth rate of world biomedicine market has been outpacing that of the overall pharmaceutical market in recent years and this trend will continue in the coming years with a steady 10.4% growth per annum by 2020. In particular, China’s biomedicine market is expected to grow at an even higher rate (15% annually) over the forecast 2015-2020 period, driven by increasing and aging population, government initiatives and favorable policies, improving level of biotech and innovation, and increasing urbanization as well as household income in China. Global and China Biomedicine Market 2012-2020: Market Size, Structure, Trends, Analysis and Forecast reviews the worldwide market of biological medicines and reagents with Chinese biomedicine market examined in detail specifically. With global economic, demographic, and healthcare profiles reviewed as market environments, this report provides market trend of world biomedicines for 2012-2020, market structure of product segments (Therapeutic Protein, Antibody, Vaccines, Blood Products, and Diagnostic Reagent), dynamics of biosimilar segment, geographic spread (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific region, Latin America and the rest of world), development highlights in global biomedicines market, and 20 profiled leading biomedicine manufacturers in the world. Qualitative market analyses for Chinese biomedicine market include market growth drivers, restraints and challenges, emerging market opportunities, and competitive landscape. Based on biomedicine type, China’s biomedicine market is segmented into Therapeutic Protein, Antibody, Vaccines, Blood Products, and Diagnostic Reagent, with the fast-growing generic biomedicines highlighted in particular. The nation’s market is also analyzed by marketing channel and by region. The historic performance and benchmarked outlook for China’s biomedicine imports, exports, and manufacturing industry are also provided with data available for 2010-2020 period. The major biological bases and clusters in China are revealed and 32 Chinese key biomedicine producers are profiled. Key Players: Pfizer, Inc. Novartis International AG Merck & Co., Inc. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Sanofi S.A. Eli Lilly and Company Selected Chinese companies: Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Co., Ltd. Shanghai Kehua Bio-engineering Co., Ltd Staidson (Beijing) Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. Biotech Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (BPL) Innovent Biologics, Inc. Zhuhai Livzon MAB Biological Technology Company Ltd.

Table Of Contents

1 Introduction 1.1 Industry Definition and Scope 1.2 Research Methodology 1.3 Executive Summary 2 Market Environment 2.1 Recent Trends and Outlook of Global Economy 2.2 World Demographic Profile and Trends 2.3 Global Healthcare Landscape 2.4 China’s Healthcare and Regulation System 3 Overview of Global Biomedicine Market 3.1 World Biomedicine Market 2012-2020 3.2 Distribution of World Biomedicine Market by Region 3.3 Development Trends of Global Biomedical Industry 4 Qualitative Analysis of China’s Biomedicine Market 4.1 Value Chain Analysis 4.2 Major Growth Drivers 4.3 Market Restraints and Challenges 4.4 Emerging Opportunities 4.5 Key M&A, VCI, and IPO Trends 5 Structure and Trend of China Biomedicine Market 5.1 Overview of Biomedicine Market in China 2014-2020 5.2 Therapeutic Protein 5.3 Antibody 5.4 Vaccines 5.5 Blood Products 5.6 Diagnostic Reagent 5.7 China’s Biomedicine Market by Marketing Channel 5.8 China’s Biomedical Market by Region 6 Import and Export of Chinese Biomedicines 6.1 China’s Biomedicine Exports 6.2 China’s Biomedicine Imports 7 Major Biomedicine Manufacturers 7.1 Overview of Chinese Biomedicine Production 7.2 Geographic Spread of Biomedicine Industry in China 7.3 Company Profiles (20 Global Manufacturers and 32 Chinese Producers)
List Of Tables

Table 1. Overview of World and China’s Biomedicine Market, 2012-2020, $ bn Table 2. Average Annual Growth Rates of Global Real GDP, Outlook to 2030, % Table 3. Population Estimates, by Region, 2010 and 2050 (millions) Table 4. Per Capita Total Expenditure on Health at Average Exchange Rate by Country 2003-2012 (US$) Table 5. World Biomedicine Market by Sub-Product, 2012-2020, $ bn Table 6. World Top 20 Biomedicine Manufacturers in 2014, $bn Table 7. Geographic Spread of China Biomedicine Market by Profit, 2014 Table 8. Output Value of China’s Pharmaceutical and Biomedicine Manufacture Industry, 2010-2020, $ bn Table 9. China Top Biomedicine Companies by Revenue, 2013Q1-Q3, RMB million
List Of Figures

Figure 1. Recent Growth Trend of World Gross Product, 2008–2016 Figure 2. Global Population Estimates by Age, 2000-2050 (millions) Figure 3. Global Population Estimates by Age, 2000-2050 (%) Figure 4. Regional Distribution of the Global Population of People 65 and Older, 2010 and 2050, % Figure 5. Total Health Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP for Major Economies (2013) Figure 6. Global Biomedicine Market and Growth Rate, 2012-2020 Figure 7. Trend of Global Biosimilar Sales and Its Share in Biomedicine Market, 2012-2020 Figure 8. Geographic Distribution of Global Biomedicine Market by Region, 2014, $bn Figure 9. Geographic Distribution of Global Biomedicine Market by Region, 2020, $bn Figure 10. A Typical Value Chain in Biomedical R&D Pipeline Figure 11. China Biomedicine Market Trend and Share in the Global Market, 2012-2020 Figure 12. China Therapeutic Protein Market and Share, 2012-2020, $bn Figure 13. China Antibody Market and Share, 2012-2020, $bn Figure 14. China Vaccine Market and Share, 2012-2020, $bn Figure 15. China Blood Products Market and Share, 2012-2020, $bn Figure 16. China Diagnostic Reagent Market and Share, 2012-2020, $bn Figure 17. Sales Share of China’s Biomedicines by Marketing Channel, 2012-2020 Figure 18. Export Value of China’s Biomedicines and Overall Pharmaceuticals, 2010-2020 Figure 19. Import Value of China’s Biomedicines and Overall Pharmaceuticals, 2010-2020
selected global companies:
Pfizer, Inc.
Novartis International AG
Merck & Co., Inc.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
Sanofi S.A.
Eli Lilly and Company 
Selected Chinese companies:
Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Kehua Bio-engineering Co., Ltd
Staidson (Beijing) Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Biotech Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (BPL)
Innovent Biologics, Inc.
Zhuhai Livzon MAB Biological Technology Company Ltd.