
Beer Industry in China 2009-2019

Published: 08 Nov 2014 | Report Code: 10247024 | Pages: 66

China’s beer industry is the largest in the world by production volume and consumption volume. The past three decades has seen an impressive growth in the development of China's beer industry and market. This report focuses on industry statistics, market size/shares, imports/exports, industry analysis, and business trends in China’s beer production industry and consumption market. All the statistic and projected data cover the performance of the industry in mainland China only, not including any data from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Historical data include five years or ten years before the report year (2014) and long-term development trends are projected to five years (2014-2019) over the report year. In spite of its great achievements, the nation's beer industry now faces serious challenges and obstacles, including the shortage of raw material supplies, slowing-down growth rates, and lack of high-end beer products. This report provides in-depth understanding, all-through analysis of the industry data, and precise predictions for the development trends. It reveals emerging market & competitive threats, recognizes Highly Growing Points (HGP), and suggests fresh strategies to conquer the challenges and obstacles in China's beer industry. Key Players: China Resources Snow Breweries Ltd. Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. Anheuser-Busch InBev China Beijing Yanjing Beer Company Limited Carlsberg China

Table Of Contents

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION I-1. Industry Definition and Scope I-2. Research Methodology I-3. Executive Summary CHAPTER II. PRODUCTION II-1. Industry Process II-2. Historical Performance of China’s Beer Production by Volume 2004-2014 II-3. Historical Performance of China’s Beer Production by Value 2004-2014 II-4. Share of China’s Beer Production in Global Market 2004-2014 II-5. Major Players II-6. Production Capacity Expansion of Major Producers in China 2013 & 2014 II-7. Geographic Spread of Production II-8. Foreign Entries II-9. Historical and Predicted Growth Rates of China’s Beer Production 1980-2019 II-10. Outlook of China’s Beer Production by Volume 2014-2019 II-11. Outlook of China’s Beer Production by Value 2014-2019 II-12. Outlook of China’s Beer Output Share in Global Market 2014-2019 II-13. Summary of Worldwide and China Beer Output 2004-2019 CHAPTER III. DEMAND AND CONSUMPTION III-1. Beer Consumption Worldwide and in China by Volume 2004-2014 III-2. Annual Per Capita Beer Consumption in China by Volume 2004-2014 III-3. Total Beer Demand in China by Value 2004-2014 III-4. China’s Urbanization Progress 2009-2019 III-5. Increase of Per Capita Income in China 2009-2019 III-6. Increase of Customer Goods Sales in China 2009-2019 III-7. Historical and Predicted Growth Rates of China’s Beer Consumption 2004-2019 III-8. Outlook of Worldwide and China Beer Consumption by Volume 2014-2019 III-9. Annual Per Capita Beer Consumption in China by Volume 2014-2019 III-10. Outlook of China Beer Demand by Value 2014-2019 III-11. Summary of China’s Beer Consumption 2004-2019 CHAPTER IV. REVENUE AND SALES IV-1. Total Revenue of Beer Industry in China 2009-2019 IV-2. Revenue Shares of China Beer Industry by Beer Package Category 2009-2019 IV-3. Sales Shares of China Beer Industry by Distribution Channel 2009-2019 IV-4. Annual Sales by Beer Variety in China’s Market 2009-2019 IV-5. Annual Sales by Beer Brand in China’s Market 2014 IV-6. Profit and Profit Rate in China Beer Industry 2009-2019 IV-7. Enterprises, Employment and Wages in China Beer Industry 2009-2019 IV-8. Cost Structure of China’s Beer Manufacture in 2014 IV-9. Summary of Beer Sales and Revenue in China’s Market 2009-2019 CHAPTER V. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS V-1. Historical Performance of China Beer Imports by Volume and Value 2004-2014 V-2. Major Beer Import Origins and Shares in 2014 V-3. Historical Performance of China Beer Exports by Volume and Value 2004-2014 V-4. Major Beer Export Destinations and Shares in 2014 V-5. Major Importers and Exporters V-6. Outlook of China Beer Imports by Volume and Value 2014-2019 V-7. Outlook of China Beer Exports by Volume and Value 2014-2019 V-8. Summary of Beer Imports and Exports in China 2009-2019 CHAPTER VI. CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY VI-1. Big Concern: Beer Barley Supply 2009-2014 VI-2. High-end Beer: the Increasingly Attractive Segment in China's Market 2009-2019 CHAPTER VII. RELATED REPORTS & REFERENCES POST CONTACT AND FURTHER INFORMATION

List Of Tables

Table 1. China’s Beer Industry Overview (million metric tons) Table 2. Major Producers of China’s Beer Industry by 2014 (million metric tons) Table 3. Production Capacity Expansion of Top Five Beer Giants in China (2013 and 2014) Table 4. Top Five Provinces by Output Volume (mil metric tons) and Sales (bil CHY) in 2011 Table 5. Summary of Worldwide and China Beer Production Table 6. Key Facts of China Beer Consumption Table 7. Revenue Shares of Various Packaged Beer Products in China (bil CHY) Table 8. Sales Shares of Beer Products by Distribution Channels (bil CHY) Table 9. Annual Beer Sales by Variety in China (bil CHY) Table 10. Annual Beer Sales by Brand in China (bil CHY) Table 11. Enterprises, Employment and Wages in China Beer Industry Table 12. Key Facts of China Beer Sales and Revenue Table 13. Major Import Origins and Shares Table 14. China’s Major Beer Export Destinations and Shares in 2014 Table 15. Key Facts of China Beer Imports and Exports Table 16. Beer Product Segments and Shares in China's Market Table 17. Beer Consumption by Segments in China's Market (mil liters)

List Of Figures

Figure 1. Beer’s Historical Production by Volume (mil metric tons) Figure 2. Beer’s Historical Production by Value (bil USD) Figure 3. Beer’s Historical Production Volume and Share in Global Market Figure 4. Geographic Spread of China’s Beer Production by 2014 (million metric tons) Figure 5. Historical and Forecast Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGRs) of China Beer Production Figure 6. Outlook of China’s Beer Production by Volume (mil metric tons) Figure 7. Outlook of China’s Beer Production by Value (bil USD) Figure 8. Outlook of Worldwide and China’s Beer Production Volume (mil hectoliters) and China’s Share in Global Market Figure 9. Historical Beer Consumption Worldwide and China’s Share Figure 10. Per Capita Beer Consumption in China Figure 11. Total Beer Demand in China Figure 12. Historical and Forecast Urban/Rural Population in China Figure 13. Historical and Forecast Urban/Rural Income in China Figure 14. Historical and Forecast Urban/Rural Customer Goods Sales in China Figure 15. Historical and Forecast Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGRs) of China Beer Consumption Figure 16. Forecast Beer Consumption Worldwide and China’s Share Figure 17. Predicted Per Capita Beer Consumption in China Figure 18. Projected Total Beer Demand by Value in China Figure 19. Historical and Projected Revenue of China Beer Industry Figure 20. Profit and Profit Rate in China Beer Manufacture Figure 21. Cost Composition to Produce Beer in China in 2014 Figure 22. Historical Performance of Beer Import in China Figure 23. Historical Performance of Beer Export in China Figure 24. Forecast Beer Imports in China Figure 25. Forecast Beer Exports in China Figure 26. China Beer Barley Supply
China Resources Snow Breweries Ltd.
Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd.
Anheuser-Busch InBev China
Beijing Yanjing Beer Company Limited
Carlsberg China